Friday, April 8, 2011

Day and Date: Friday, 8th April 2011
Time: 0900am - 1230pm
Venue: Henderson Secondary School
Guides involve: Whole company
Guiders present: Ms. Karen Chin, Miss Sarah Goh
YAs present: -

Today after recess, we played a game of Amazing Race. My patrol, Sunflower only managed to complete 3 stations. Everyone in my patrol was quite tired from running from one station to another.

After that, we played a game of Husband and Wife at the NE square. I felt that this game was fun and interesting. One thing I dislike about the game was that there were lots of shouting and screaming throughout the game which was kind of noisy and irritating.

After that, Ms. Chin called us to gather around as she wanted to hand out some consent forms. After I received the Star-Gazing's consent form, I felt quite happy and was looking forward to the day of the activity.

Girl Guides this week was quite fun and interesting.

Scribe by: He Miaoxue

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The Guides' Motto

Be Prepared

The motto, Be Prepared , shares the Founder’s initials and is a practical reminder of the educational purposes of Girl Guiding.

What does HSS Girl Guides do?

The Girl Guides Singapore's mission is to eanble girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. In Henderson Secondary School, we work very closely with this mission. Being a Guide you can learn new skills, make your own decisions and not forgetting, have fun. Guiding in HSS provides a safe platform and environment to explore new possibilities and achieve personal goals while making friends and having adventures.

More about Girl Guides

Girl Guides work together in Patrols. We elect our own Patrol Leaders and plan our own activities to eusure the total development of our girls.

The Guide Promise to us is very crucial and it is the pivot behind Girl Guiding:

I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God,
To serve my country
and help other people,
and to keep the Guide Law

We also follow the 10 Guide Laws:
1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
2. A Guide is useful and helps others
3. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders
4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
5. A Guide is kind to all living things
6. A Guide is obedient
7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
8. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
9. A Guide Is thrifty and diligent
10. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does